You know you're getting really close to the kick-off of the Women's World Cup tournament when the official song is announced. Come to think of it, we are only about 6-7 weeks away from the competition! And as we get closer, more and more aspects of the tournament are being announced/completed. The official song of the WWC 2011 is Sean Kingston's "Ready or Not." I hope the song sounds just as good as the song title! I'm not sure if the song has actually be released, but it was mentioned that it will be used in stadiums and clubs in Germany very soon.
We just keep getting closer to the World Cup! Only a little more than a month away! I grow more excited by the day. June 26th will be here soon enough.
سيدتي الجميلة خليكى شباب على طول مع مجموعات النوفادج الخطيرة التواصل واتساب
حقوق الطبع والنشر محفوظة لللمهندس الزراعي ماجد بديع أبوموسي ومن يخالف ذلك
يتعرض للمسائلة القانونية والجنائية
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