Fan nominations are open! So, why not nominate your very own Just Another soccer Fan for best blog?
Hey everyone! Well, if you're a fan of U.S. Soccer (which our beloved USWNT is a part of!) then you know all about the "Best of U.S. Soccer Awards". The 2010 edition is the 9th annual edition of the competition, and right now, fans can give in nominations for certain categories. Wanna nominate, but you're not signed up for Then simply register with them. All it will cost you is 5 minutes of your time. Fans can nominate a bar, specialty store, a costume, and a blog. Now, all of you reading this love Just Another Soccer Fan, right? Of course you do! Haha, I'm just kidding, but, if you happen to be nominating for those categories, then nominate Just Another Soccer Fan for best blog! That is, of course, if you really think it deserves the nomination. But, if you love Just Another Soccer Fan (which you should, because it kicks ass!) then you should nominate it. I'd really appreciate it. I'm just going on a long shot here, but if my blog shows up with enough nominations, then it will make the finals and you guys will be able to vote for your very own favorite blog: Just Another Soccer Fan! I work hard and put a lot of effort into writing, and I love doing it, and I appreciate the amount of views and readers I have. If I get enough nominations, maybe the blog will actually make the finals list and will get more recognition, and then more people will read, and then that means I'll be spreading the word and sharing the love of the Women's game with more people, which is great. But yes, just asking all you readers and followers to nominate Just Another Soccer Fan in the 2010 Best of U.S. Soccer Awards. All the big blogs are of course going to get recognized, but what if Just Another Soccer Fan made it up there with the rest? Wouldn't it be cool to have this blog listed with the likes of the MNT blog and the WNT blog? I think it would! It would be a great honor, so if you decide to nominate JASF, I greatly appreciate it.
Happy nominating!
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4 years ago
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